Busy busy busy
Writing random scenes.
Asking myself questions that I don't have the answers for yet.
Why? Why? Why?
Why this and not that? Would she say that, think that, feel that?
How would she react?
I know my hero inside and out, but my heroine stumps me.
So I'm thinking.
Oh dear, don't squeeze to hard, you need to keep a few brian cells up top! ;-) Have you sketched her out on paper yet? Maybe that's obvious, but just start writing things about her, and see where it leads. It might help.
By 12:48 PM
, atYou're thinking? Hmm. I knew I smelled smoke. SMOOCH!
By Kristen Painter, at 9:13 PM
don't you hate that - just like in real life, women can confuse the hell outta you!
Good luckin you brainstorm
Smart girl!
Darn characters! Sometimes they just don't do what their told. Where's Lisa's whip when you need it?
Sending good thoughts.
By Jennifer McKenzie, at 11:46 AM