The Real Deal
I've been a long time coming to this place. Dude has been written for nearly 2 years now. I edited it this spring. It's ready to go, provided my cps don't say it sucks. Which they won't. Because it doesn't suck. It might be a little rough around the edges (God, I hope not too rough) but it doesn't suck.
For the first time since I began writing, I'm serious about submitting. I know people who have come to this place much sooner than I. They wrote, they submitted and were either rejected or they've sold several times already. Not me. I was too busy faffing about.
But writing the synopsis presents some issues for me. Are my characters fully developed? Have I shown their conflict? Does their attraction make sense? Am I a complete screw-up?
I won't know until I submit, I suppose. So for the rest of the week, y'all will have to deal with me being more manic and neurotic than usual. I wish you luck.
Good luck, you can do it!
By 4:52 PM
, atFor me, writing a synopsis is far more painful than an entire 450 page manuscript. So sympathies.
By 10:28 AM
, at
And good luck. You are way talented, and I'm sure, that, above all will be noticed.
Syns sux. No two ways about it. But just write it, like you're telling a friend about your story. Then go back and fine tune it. It's a bit hard to begin, but trust me it gets easier.
I have my chapter meeting tomorrow, so I'll have to beg one day's reprieve on getting the crit back to you. Yeah, I know you're soo disappointed at the delay. ::snort::
By vanessa jaye, at 10:29 PM
Well, just shucky darn, Jaye! *gg* That's too bad. I suppose (insert patently false heaving sigh) that I'll just have to extend my deadline to next Friday, the 19th.
By Sela Carsen, at 10:09 AM
Ugh. The S word. You should be beaten. But you're right - it does kind of make you see if you have all those elements that are needed, huh?
Gonna share with us where ya plan to send it out?? :)