Slavic Mythology at BTV
Check out Beyond the Veil today!
Oh Letts be friends! :)
And Slavic mythology.
Your word verification letters right now are kzbaxss.
What wears baggy pants and carries a kobassa.
I'm into pan-Slavism!
By 12:41 PM
, at
Tried emailing information answers to your comment on my blog, but it came back. So here it is:
What smaller cons are there for fantasy? I'd like to go to one, but I just don't know enough about them to even start researching.
One is Ravencon in Richmond, Virginia that I am Publicity Director for: .
There's Shevacon in Roanoake, Virginia in February--
And Marscon in Williamsburg, Virginia: .
Concarolinas in North carolina in June, Balticon in may in Maryland. Just google science fiction conventions and see what comes up--check their websites.
By Pamela K. Kinney, at 1:05 PM