Day 2 of Fast Draft
But hey, I got 6 pages done!
The kids had their Meet the Teacher night and I just kept signing up for stuff. Looks like I'm now the Library Slave once a week around lunchtime. Need to find another mom to sucker into this so we can switch off.
And then there's the occasional teacher assistant thing. Like helping the 1st graders learn to write. And helping the 5th graders learn to write. I thought I was going to have a lot more time once the kids were gone all day! Instead, it looks like I'll be with them anyway. *gg* Whether they like it or not. MWAAHAHAhahahahaaaaaa!!!
Then there are the various after school activities that will sprout up. I cleaned out their folders that had last year's left over projects and I've already started filling them up again!
Paper, paper everywhere. How do you guys keep up with all of it?
ETA: I forgot to tell you! I got my very first ARC of LOVE & LORE for the print version last night!! I really, really want to show you guys the cover for this.
6 pages is awesome!
And um, you know, if you don't volunteer for stuff, your days would stay free...just saying.
By Kristen Painter, at 9:42 AM
It's this Good Mommy facade I'm working. See, if I can fool everyone into thinking that we're just an average American family, it'll come as a complete surprise when I take over the universe. (insert Vincent Price hand-rubbing)
By Sela Carsen, at 9:53 AM
I've never gotten an ARC before! How exciting! My kids start school on Monday. I've become ruthless at throwing out school papers, but then again, they're in junior high now, so the papers aren't as cute.
By Kate Willoughby, at 3:16 PM
Six pages is great. Congrats.
Never got an ARC before but my day is coming. Which reminds me. Less goofing off, more writing.
We always called that "Meet the Creature" night.